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Stručna ekskurzija učenica i profesorica Srednje škole Oroslavje
međunarodnog projekta
Make a Difference od 23.-29. rujna 2013.
Nakon prošlogodišnjeg posjeta crnomorskom turističkom središtu Varni i bugarskim domaćinima, ogranku američke neprofitne organizacije People to People International, ove godine učenice odlaze u posjet britanskim obiteljima u Chester.
Nakon sedmogodišnjeg angažmana u organizaciji PTPI a kao nagradu za još jednu godinu ispunjenu humanitarnim, obrazovnim i ekološkim aktivnostima voditeljica the Eagles ogranka prof. Marina Krsnik, zajedno s prof. Josipom Puljiz organizirala je i realizirala posjet osmero učenica trećeg i četvrtog razred opće gimnazije PTPI ogranku u Chesteru.
Naše učenice i profesorice su prvo posjetile i razgledale London a potom bile srdačno dočekane od strane britanskih obitelji kod kojih su bile i smještene za vrijeme svog petodnevnog boravka u sjevernoj Engleskoj. Po samom dolasku u Chester u prostorijama gradske vijećnice toplo ih je primila gradonačelnica, vijećnica gđa. Jill Houlbrook koja je goste upoznala sa svojim radom i odgovornostima gradonačelnice te kojoj su riječi pozdrava ravnateljice SŠ Oroslavje prenijele učenice Maja Vdović i Dubravka Gredičak, učenice 4.a razreda. Učenica Petra Trauber otpjevala je gradonačelnici i tradicionalne hrvatske pjesme što je samu gradonačelnicu podsjetilo na ugodno ljeto koje je po prvi puta provela jedreći na Jadranu. Kao prigodan poklon gradonačelnici gđi. Jill Houlbrook uručena je knjiga Ljepote Hrvatske i turistički promotivni materijali.
Profesorice i učenice posjetile su englesku školu Tarporley High School te upoznale domaćine s našim obrazovnim sustavom, sudjelovale na dva sata engleskog jezika te satu društvenih medija.S voditeljicom odsjeka za engleski jezik gđom. Mullholland. ugodno su se podružile nakon nastave te ponovno razmijenile prigodne darove i riječi pozdrava. Učenice su imale priliku posjetiti i Liverpool te Liverpoolski muzej, Katoličku katedralu, Albert Dock područje, St George’s vijećnicu, park prirode otok Hilbre, Chester te welški dvorac Conway. Nedjelju ujutro provele su na misi i druženju s engleskim katolicima i njihovim župnikom, paterom Joe-om koje su isto tako razveselile tradicionalnim hrvatskim pjesmama. Britanske obitelji- domaćini su iskazali vrlo srdačno i toplo gostoprimstvo našim učenicama i profesoricama, te je zahvaljujući trudu gđe. Heather Exell predsjednice Chester ogranka PTP i Stuarta Exella, člana Nadzornog odbora PTPI, cijeli program stručnog posjeta tekao glatko i bio iznimno bogat novim iskustvima i saznanjima.
Naše učenice su ostvarile iznimno srdačan odnos s domaćinima ali i predstavile Srednju školu Oroslavje i Hrvatsku u u najboljem svjetlu. Sve to ne bi bilo moguće da povjerenje u ove mlade ljude nisu imali i učenici članovi the Eagles ogranka koji su započeli prikupljanje donacija organizacijom humanitarne večeri u Ooslavju kojoj su se osim učenika SŠ Oroslavje odazvali i eminentni nekadašnji učenici Martina Mirt-Ordanić, Marija Borić te Ronald Žlabur, naš odličan student FERa Hrvoje Vdović, oroslavski poduzetnici Bulgari FILATI d.o.o., TPK Orometal d.d., HAK i AMK klub Oroslavje Epo Oroslavje i grad Oroslavje, PERFA-BIO d.o.o. G. Stubica, HON-ING.d.o.o. Sv. Križ Začretje, Elektrokovina Adria Split, Elektrokovina Hrvatski Leskovac, Bovje Zagreb, Grundfos Croatia d.o.o, Radio Stubica svojim angažmanom u promicanju vrijednosti koje ovi mladi ljudi gaje, turistička zajednica Oroslavje s promotivnim materijalima te sama organizacija People to People International.
S ponosom možemo reći da su nas ponovo i ove godine prepoznali i podržali u našem MInistarstvu znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta.
Svima od srca hvala- vrijedila je svaka vaša donacija i svaki vaš trud usmjeren prema realizaciji ovog stručnog posjeta. A mi smo .još jednom ostvarili glavni nam cilj razvijanja međunarodne suradnje, komunikacije, tolerancije, razumijevanja i prijateljstva kroz obrazovne, kulturne i humanitarne aktivnosti, neposredno među učenicima na međunarodnom nivou, posredstvom engleskog jezika, a s ciljem pridonošenja miru u svijetu.
Za vjerne prijatelje i donatore učenice i profesorice M. Krsnik i J. Puljiz će organizirati Večer zahvale i upoznati ih s cijelim stručnim posjetom a britanske obitelji su pozvale u uzvratni posjet učenicima Srednje škole Oroslavje te se nadaju nastavku suradnje.
Naši dojmovi:
23. rujna ostvarila mi se životna želja. Dobila sam priliku posjetiti Veliku Britaniju. To ne bi bilo moguće bez našeg PTPI ogranka, The Eagles i naravno naše profesorice Krsnik. Osam djevojaka otišlo je u Englesku i bilo je predivno. Imala sam velika očekivanja, ali nikad nisam niti pomislila da bi se mogla toliko iznenaditi. Jako mi je drago da sam dobila priliku vidjeti ljepote Engleske. Predivni gradovi, krajolici, a nadasve ljudi. Čak i dok smo boravili u Londonu ljudi su bili vrlo ljubazni. Nakon što smo vidjeli predivni London išli smo u Chester. Dočekali su nas divni domaćini koji su nam pokazali toliko toga. Posjetili smo jako puno znamenitosti i sprijateljili smo se s našim dragim domaćinima i mislim da je to bio najlijepši dio našeg puta. Dobili smo priliku vidjeti njihovu kulturu i jako smo sretni što smo također proveli vrijeme s divnim ljudima. Također mi je jako drao što sam ovo iskustvo mola podjeliti sa svojim prijateljima te što smo se svi zajedno zabavili. Nadam se da ćemo ugostiti naše prijatelje iz engleske i pokazati im ljepote naše zemlje.
Maja Vdović, 4.a
Tjedan dana u Engleskoj je u jednakoj mjeri bilo predivno i poučno.Posjetili smo London,Chester,Liverpool i Wales.U Londonu smo bili samo dva dana,al smo ih iskoristili u potpunosti.Bili smo na hop on-hop off touru,Trafalgar trgu,pred Westmisterskom palačom,vozili smo se London Eyem,također smo se vozili turističkim brodom niz rijeku Temzu...Slikali smo se i pred poznatom Buckingham palačom ;domom kraljice.U Chesteru nas je dočekala topla dobrodošlica.Bili smo smješteni u malom gradiću Tarvinu.Obitelji kod kojih smo bile su nas upoznale sa svojom kulturom, običajima, hranom i pićem.U petak smo čak posjetili i njihovu školu,koja se u potpunosti razlikuje od naših škola.Obavezni su nositi uniforme. U školu kreću sa 5 godina,te u osnovnu školu do 11 godine.Tada kreću u srednju školu u kojoj moraju biti do svoje 16 godine.Nakon čega mogu napustiti školu i zaposliti se negdje ili pak otići na koledž koji traje dvije godine i na kojem imaju tri predmeta s višom razinom.U Liverpoolu smo bili u muzeju,knjižnici, katedrali i St.George's Hallu.Sve u svemu, bilo nam je jako lijepo i jedva čekam kad ću se opet tamo vratiti. Na našem putovanju stekli smo mnoga lijepa iskustva i upoznali divne ljude.Posjetili smo neka mjesta o kojima smo mogli samo sanjati i viđati ih na televiziji.
Ivana Kačavenda, 3.a
Prije polaska u Englesku znala sam odmah da će mi se svidjeti , al kad sam došla; bila sam 100 % sigurna.Engleska me oduševila pa i više! Engleska je bila prva na listi država koje želim posjetiti u budućnosti i mogu reći da mi se taj san ispunio.London kao grad je spoj kultura i različitih osobnosti.Vidjeli smo sve glavne znamenitosti i puno toga naučile.Nakon Londona, smo otišli u grad Chester; prekrasan grad sa još divnijim ljudima.Teško mi je naći riječi da ga opišem.Mislim da ću uvijek pamtiti sve te drage ljude koje sam upoznala; koji su odvojili vrijeme da nam pokažu kako izgleda život u Engleskoj.Kući sam se vratila sam mnogo, mnogo uspomena koje nikad ne ću zaboraviti.
Iva Šefček, 3.a
Odlazak u Englesku je moje najbolje iskustvo u životu. Očekivala sam puno jer znam koliko je Velika Britanija razvijenija od Hrvatske, ali sve je bilo iznad mojih očekivanja. U tih sedam dana sam vidjela London i cijelu unutrašnjost Engleske, pa čak i Wales. Najviše me se dojmila ljepota Londona i obitelji kod kojih smo bili smješteni u Chesteru. Upoznala sam mnogo dragih ljudi koji su mi obilježili cijeli život. Uvijek ću pamtiti koliko su bili brižni i dobri prema nama i koliko su se trudili pokazati nam što više. Bilo je to jedno nezaboravno putovanje, prilika koja se ne pruža svakom i ja sam sretna što sam imala mogućnost iskoristiti ju.
Ena Mikulić, 3.a
Putovanje u Englesku za mene je prekrasno iskustvo koje ću pamtiti cijeli život.Svaki dan bio je na svoj način poseban i zanimljiv.London kao grad oduševio me svojom ljepotom i arhitekturom.Vožnja Temzom i London Eye-m bila je sjajno iskustvo.Tijekom cijelog putovanja odlično smo se zabavili.Upoznali smo sjajne ljude koji su nas ugostili i puno toga naučili.U kratkom vremenu stekli smo dobre prijatelje i teško je bilo vratite se kući.Iznenadila sam se ljepotom Chestera i ostalih gradova koje smo posjetili.Bilo je posebno živjeti s engleskom obitelji i upoznati njihov način života te slušati njihov jezik.Zanimljivo je bilo upoznati njihov školski sistem koji se razlikuje od našeg kao i sudjelovati na njihovoj nastavi.Moja očekivanja bila su i više nego ispunjena.Ovo putovanje pamtiti ću po sjajnoj zabavi,divnim ljudima i ljepoti Engleske.Nadam se da ću se jednog dana vratiti.
Dora Mlinarić, 3.a
Kada je i napokon stigao taj dugo očekivani 23.9. bila sam jako uzbuđena. Nisam mogla dočekati da sjednem na avion i da krenemo za Englesku. Kada smo napokon dospjeli u London, bilo je divno. Ispunila su se sva moja očekivanja. Sve pričice da je London divan i jedan od najljepših gradova na svijetu su istinite. Bila su to divna nepuna 3 dana provedena tamo. Nakon toga smo išli za Chester, mislili smo kako nam ništa ne može nadmašiti te dane u Londonu, ali smo se prevarili. Kada smo upoznali naše domaćine, shvatili smo da su ti najdivniji ljudi koje smo ikad upoznale. Toliko dragi, pristojni i puni ljubavi jedni za druge . Dani u Chesteru su mi prošli brže nego dani u Londonu iz razloga što vrijeme prolazi brže kada se više zabavljaš. To me najviše dojmilo. Kolko su ti ljudi dobri i kako im ništa nije teško učiniti jedni za druge. Bilo je ovo divno iskustvo koje ću pamtiti do kraja života.
Petra Trauber, 3.a
23 -29 September was certainly the best period of my life. Because of our PTPI chapter, The Eagles, we were given a chance to visit England. It was wonderful; 8 girls had a time of their lives in the most beautiful county of the World. Eight lifetime wishes came true. First couple of days we spent in London. Although is was exhausting walking all day and staying up late to experience the night life in London, we didn`t mind. After London, we went to Chester where we were hosted by the kindest people. In my opinion, that was the best part of our trip. We got to know new people and make new friendships. In just a few days we connected with them like we knew them for a longer period of time, therefore, saying goodby was very difficult. We shed a few tears and got on an plane for Croatia, having in mind that this wasn`t the last time we`ll see them. New friendships were made and memories that we`ll cheris for the rest of our lives.
Dubravka Gredičak, 4.a
Moji doživljaji o Engleskoj su vrlo pozitivni. Da budem iskrena, očekivala sam mnogo toga od Londona a dobila sam još i više. Odlično sam se provela i zahvalna sam svojoj profesorici što mi je pružila priliku za novo životno iskustvo. Meni najdraži dio putovanja je razgledavanje dvorca Conwy, šetnja plažom i jedenje engleskog sladoleda. London ću pamtiti po burgerima,prelijepom vremenu,nevjerojatnom razgledavanju i predivnim ljudima.
Sara El-Sabeh, 3.a
Maja, 4.a
On 23rd of September my lifelong wish came true. I got to visit the UK. This wouldn't be possible without The PTPI Student chapter The Eagles and of course our professor Mizz Krsnik. Eight girls went to England. It was amazing. I was expecting a lot, and I never thought I could be so surprised. The beauty of this country is something that I am very glad I got to see. Wonderful cities, landscapes, but most of all people. Even when we were staying in London people were very kind. After we saw the amazing city of London we went to Chester. We were welcomed to amazing and kind familys that showed us so many things. We visited many places but we made amazing new friends and I think that was the best part of our trip. We got to see their culture and we are very greatful that we got the opportunity to spend time with such great people. I'm also very glad that I got to share this experience with my friends and that we all got to enjoy together. I'm hoping that we will be able to host our friends here in Croatia and show them the wonders of our country.
Dubravka, 4.a
23. -29. September was certainly the best period of my life. Because of our PTPI chapter, The Eagles, we were given a chance to visit England. It was wonderful; 8 girls had a time of their lives in the most beautiful county of the World. Eight lifetime wishes came true. First couple of days we spent in London. Although is was exhausting walking all day and staying up late to experience the night life in London, we didn`t mind. After London, we went to Chester where we were hosted by the kindest people. In my opinion, that was the best part of our trip. We got to know new people and make new friendships. In just a few days we connected with them like we knew them for a longer period of time, therefore, saying goodbye was very difficult. We shed a few tears and got on an plane for Croatia, having in mind that this wasn`t the last time we`ll see them. New friendships were made and memories that we`ll cherish for the rest of our lives.
Petra, 3.a
When I finally got the long-awaited 23rd of September, I was very excited. I could not wait to sit on a plane and go to England. When we finally arrived, it was wonderful. all of my expectations were fulfilled. All stories that London is amazing and one of the most beautiful cities in the world are true. Those were wonderful 3 days. After London, we went to Chester, we thought that nothing can surpass these days in London, but we were wrong. When we met our hosts, we realized that they are the most wonderful people we have ever met. So nice, polite, loving and caring for each other. Days in Chester past faster than our days in London because time passes more quickly when you're having fun. That's what impressed me the most. How good these people are and how they do everything for each other without any problem. This was a wonderful experience that I will remember for the rest of my life.
Dora, 3.a
Journey to England was an amazing experience which i will never forget. Every day was full of surprises and excitement. I can't say which city I like the most. London is fascinating place with beautiful architecture but Chester is warm and friendly city.Tarvin and Tarporley are beautiful too. I like their houses, streets and farms of horses. We spent four days with host families.I was expecting a great time with lot of fun and interesting things to do. But i have never expected that in just few days you can make such a great and beautiful friends. It was hard to leave all this people who hosted us and go back home. We will always remember their kindness and warm homes. After a seven-day experience i can say i learned a lot,met great people and saw one part of England and Wales.I hope that some day I will go back.
A trip to England is the best experience of my life. I expected a lost because I know that UK is more developed that Croatia, but everything was above my expectations. In those seven days I saw London and the whole inside of England, even Wales. I liked London and our host families in Chester the most. I met a lost of nice people who marked my life forever. I will always remember how they were careful and good to us and how they tried to show us as much as possible. It was an amazing and unforgettable journey , an opportunity that isn't given to anybody and I'm very happy that I used it.
Sara, 3.1
My impressions about England are very positive. To be honest, I expected a lot from London, but got more than that. I had a wonderful time there and I am grateful to my teacher which gave me the opportunity for a new life experience. My favourite part of the trip is visiting Conwy castle, walking through the beach and eating some English ice cream. I will always remember London by eating burgers, beautiful weather, amazing sightseeing and wonderful people.
Iva, 3.a
Before we even came to England I knew I will like it,but when I got there, I was 100% sure.England enthused me completely! England was first on my wish list of countries I want to visit in future.Now, I can say that that dream came true.London is a connection of cultures and colourful personalities.We've seen all main sights and leraned a lot.After sightseeing London,we went to a town called Chester; beautiful town with even more beautiful people.It's hard for me to find words to describe it. I thnik I will always remember all those nice poeple I 've met ; people who separated their time to show us what life in England looks like.I came home with lots, and lots of memories that I will never forget.
Ivana, 3.a
Week in England was very pleasant and educational. We saw some places you could only dream about and see on Tv.We visited London,Chester,Liverpool and Wales.In London we were only for two days,but we had made the most out of it.We were on hop on-hop off tour,Trafalgar square,in front of Palace of Westminster, we also drove along river Thames...We took some pictures in front of Buckingham palace known as queen's home. In Chester we got a warm welcome from our homestay families.They introduced us to their culture, customs, food and drink.In Friday we went to Tarporley High School.Their schools are very different then ours.They have to wear uniforms. In England children must attend school from the age of 5 to 16.From the age of 5 to 11, children attend primary schools,after which they go to high school until they are 16. Students may then continue their secondary studies for a further two years (sixth form), leading most typically to A-level qualifications.In Liverpool we visited museum,library,cathedral and St.George's Hall.All in all, it was very nice and i can't wait to go back.On our journey we met some incredible people and heard so many beautiful stories.
Our homestay with PTPI Chester chapter
On Monday, 23rd of September our dream came true. We went to England. We arrived at 7.15 pm on Heathrow and took an hour-long- undeground ride to our hotel. We unpacked our bags and took a quick, short night London tour.
On our second day, we got up quite early and we went on Hope on/off tour.
We saw one of London's famous attractions: the London Eye. You have the most amazing view when you're on the highest point of the ride, which is 135 m high. We also saw Big Ben and Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, ST Paul’s Cathedral, Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park and many more sights.
. That same day we went shopping in Oxford Street. We spent a bit more than we’d originally planned,, but it was worth it. We had dinner and spent the rest of the night in our hotel rooms.
On our 3rd day, early morning, we got our usual breakfast and then a walk to the British Museum. It was extremely interesting to see all those exhibits. Afterwards we returned to our hotel, took our suitcases and we took a train to Chester that afternoon where our hosts, our dear Heather and Stuart Exell, welcomed us and took us to meet the Lord Mayer. That was a brilliant experience. We were warmly welcomed by Lord Mayer. She showd us some of the typical jewellery that she has to wear as Lord. Our chapter members Maja Vdović, the chapter president, and Dubravka Gredičak gave a lovely speech to thank Lord Mayer for a warm reception and to express the good wishes by our head teacher. Petra Trauber, the Eagle’s homestay coordinator, sang a Croatian song that reminded Lord Mayer of her wonderful time in Croatia. Later on we were sightseeing Chester and had dinner with our lovely family hosts, Pauline, Eva, Kate and Ryan, and Frances, Rob, Duncan, Edward and Hannah.
The day after we took a train to see Liverpool. We visited Liverpool Museum, the Cathedral, Albert Dock area, St George’s Hall. It was a wonderful and a well spent day. Later, we spent our night with our host families.
On our 5th day, we visited Tarporley High school. We attended three of their classes in three different age groups. That was the best experience. We got to see how their school system works and compare them to ours. After school we got lunch all together and went to see Conwy castle in Wales where we also treated ourselves with ice cream and got to see the smallest house in Great Britain. Our fifth night we were treated to dinner in "Bickerton Poacher" by our host families and chapter members. We played Skittles and ate tasty dishes that we’d never tried before and had a chance to meet Ken, a very friendly chapter secretary.
Next day was a family day, so we all got together and went to see Hilbre nature park. We also went shopping on our way back home. That night was a get together evening where we had a party at Heather and Stuart’s house. We sang our traditional songs, and they sang theirs. We played typical British games and had a lot of fun together. It was also an opportunity to thank our most amazing hosts for everything they had done for us to make us feel at home and experience the things we had never experienced before.
On Sunday we had our flight back home so in the morning we went to the mass held by father Joe and Pauline had her friends who sing and play in the church quire come to the mass and sing for us, too. Then we went sightseeing and saw the amazing Chester Cathedral and afterwards had a quick lunch with our host families at Frances’s house. In the end, we had to part and say goodbye. It was really emotional to say bye but that was not farewell since we have stayed in touch with our new friends and are hoping to see them in Croatia.
All in all, this was an amazing experience. We had an amazing time and we met the nicest people ever. It is a life time experience and we’d do it all over again.
Last but not least, we would like to thank out donators, without whom our homestay would have probably never been realized.. Our Ministry of Science, Education and Sport and PTPI organization itself helped us a lot and made it come true.
We have seen many sights which ordinary Croatian teenagers only dream of, learnt about cultural differences and the school system, tried tasty food and sang English, Welsh and Irish songs. What’s even more important, we have made great friends with so many wonderful people and once again People to People have proved the great value of understanding and direct contact among people. We have had so many great experiences within PTPI and we are proud of being one of them.
Also, we are truly happy that we had a chance to be with Heather Exell, who was our friend, guide, driver and shopping expert on souvenirs, and we are truly thankful to Heather, her dedicated and supportive husband Stuart (who is also an amazing cookJ ), Pauline, Kate and Ryan, the Farr family and the Chester chapter.
Petra Trauber, homestay coordinator